You want to please me but don't know how to do it? You are a money slave in need of sensations? Here are different methods to help you.
Me faire un virement ou m’offrir un cadeau de ma wishlist
La première méthode utilisée est le don en ligne via Wishtender. Il te suffit simplement de me faire un don en cliquant sur le bouton « Surprise Gift ». Si tu veux me faire plaisir ou est un moneyslave soucieux de son anonymat, tu as la possibilité de me transférer une offrande simple par Wishtender ou chosir parmi les cadeaux de ma wishlist. Throne est une autre plateforme de wishlist qui est une alternative à Wishtender. Tu peux aussi lutiliser pour me faire des cadeaux.
Me faire un virement en crypto-monnaie
You can also buy me gifts from my various wishlists. It's a good way to make me happy, especially if you don't know how to do it.
Tu peux également me faire un transfert vers mon Wallet BTC. C’est la meilleure solution si tu souhaites être le plus anonyme possible. Tu peux copier l’adresse de mon wallet ci-dessous. Attention : Il s’agit d’une adresse de réseau bitcoin. N’envois pas de BTC sur un autre réseau à cette adresse ou tes fonds pourraient être perdus. N’envois pas de Bitcoin Cash (BCH) à cette adresse.
Support my content
You can also make me happy by supporting my content. Producing videos can be very time-consuming, and the equipment needed to make quality clips is very expensive. So you can support me by subscribing to my VIP platforms like Onlyfans, or by buying my videos individually.
If you want to get a personalized content, you can go to my contact page to let me know your request. I cannot guarantee that my answer will be positive, but if you ask politely, then I will consider your message carefully.
The twelve labors of Heracles
You may not be able to afford to give a little of your money and that's okay. Money is only one of many tools that can be used to make me happy. Time is another and unlike money, it is available to everyone. I will list below a few tasks to accomplish that will not take up much of your time and are certainly within your reach. You won't need to capture Cerberus or defeat the lion of Nemea. I am a benevolent goddess.
Thank you for your contribution!
Your contribution will help me to get better quality material to organize even more extraordinary live sessions, as well as photo and video content with a production quality worthy of my standards. Moreover, these small contributions from you make me happy and allow me to have a better quality of life, and that, I know that it makes you happy too. If you have made a tribute, don't hesitate to let me know.