My vision of impact play sessions in Paris
Je suis très enthousiaste à l’idée de pratiquer les jeux d’impact avec mes soumis. Cette pratique fait ressortir mon côté sadique qui surprend lorsque l’on voit la jolie petite blonde que je suis. Ces pratiques sont particulièrement intenses pour les personnes qui les subissent et pour qui tient le fouet, la cravache, le martinet ou la canne. Je te reçois pour pratiquer les jeux d’impact à Paris.
My kinks related to impact play:
- flogging with a whip
- face slapping
- spankings
- whipping with a riding crop
- English cane strokes
Tu me préviendras à l’avance des pratiques qui te plaisent. Fais attention à ne pas te surestimer. Le degré de douleur est variable et certaines pratiques laissent des marques qui restent longtemps sur le corps donc assure-toi d’être bien renseigné. L’image ci-dessous te sera très utile. Si tu ne te sens pas capable de supporter la flagellation, les gifles, les fessées ou les coups de cravache, tu peux t’orienter vers my other BDSM kinks.

Go to bed smarter - Impact play
In the Middle Ages, flogging was used as a punishment for crimes and sins, and it was also associated with the religious activity of the mortification of the flesh. However, flogging was also used as a sexual game, often associated with secret cults or occult groups.
Over time, flogging and whipping games became more sophisticated and were incorporated into modern BDSM culture. In the 1930s, the whip became a symbol of power and domination in popular culture, with characters like Zorro or the masked vigilante from the comic strip "The Phantom" using whips to fight crime.
In the 1960s and 1970s, BDSM culture began to emerge in underground circles in major cities, with clubs and private parties hosting bondage, domination, and submission shows. Impact play was included in these games and became increasingly popular.
Today, impact play is often associated with BDSM kinks and is seen as a way for participants to experience intense physical sensations while exploring power and submission dynamics in sexual relationships.
Diverses activités peuvent être classées comme des jeux d’impact. Le soumis reçoit une fessée sur les fesses avec la main ouverte du supérieur ou un instrument rigide tel qu’une paddle, une canne ou une cravache dans le cas d’une fessée sensuelle. La paddle, la canne et la cravache sont tous des termes utilisés pour décrire cette dernière activité.
Sexual flogging involves hitting the submissive with a soft object such as a whip or belt.
Whips are classified according to the number of tails they have: A single tail, such as the bullwhip, is used. The term "single tailing" refers to the associated activity.
Other whips have more than one tail, like the cat o'nine tails.
Learn more about the kink of impact play, see this article by Clarisse Thorn on the history of BDSM.